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Motadata Docs

Motadata RDP Middleware Installation Guide

RDP Middleware is required for Remote Desktop features. If RDP feature is enabled, then the installation of RDP Middleware is also required. Now here, the RDP Middleware will be installed in Main-Server so there is no need of separate machine.

Installation steps for ServiceOps RDP Middleware 1.0

System Requirements

  • Product built needs to be installed and configured in the Main Server itself.
  • RDP Port : 5901
Note: The installation process may take time due to the involvement of multiple dependencies.

Downloading RDP Middleware

You can download the RDP Middleware for Ubuntu 18 from the below link:

Download Link

You can download the RDP Middleware for Ubuntu 20 from the below link:

Download Link

You can download the RDP Middleware for RedHat from the below link:

Download Link

Note: Use Sudo Command or Root User for execution.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Log in to the terminal of the Main Server after downloading the file.

File Location
File Location

Step 2: Provide the execution permission to the file using the below command:
chmod 777 rdp_middleware


Step 3: Run the executable rdp_middleware file using the below command:



Step 4: Terminal will show the stage completion messages as shown below:

Stage Completion
Stage Completion

Step 5: After the successful execution of rdp_middleware, check the status of services using the below commands:
systemctl status ft-rdp-server
systemctl status guacd

Service Status
Service Status
Service Status
Service Status

Enable RDP in Technician Portal

  • Go to AdminAsset ManagementRDP Configurations.
RDP Configurations
RDP Configurations
  • In the RDP Configurations dialog box, enable RDP using the toggle button.
  • Select the Config Type as VNC and provide the below details.
Configure RDP and Update
Configure RDP and Update
  • Enable Video Recording: Enable to capture the video recording of the Technician Remote Sessions.
  • Connection Type: Direct or Repeater

Connection Type Direct is used when computers on which Remote Desktop is required is within the Organization LAN only.

  • Password: Put the desired Password for logging to the RDP Session
  • Ask user before taking RDP session?: Toggle the flag for Yes or No for permission before the taking the RDP Session
  • RDP Agent Port: Mention the configured RDP Port. It is mandatory.
  • Refresh Cycle: Select the time in minutes to refresh the cycle from the dropdown.

Connection Type Repeater is used for the cases where Remote Desktop Sessions need to be initiated on the computers that are outside the Organization LAN. Repeater needs to be installed which is accessible on public IP and same IP needs to be configured here.

  • Repeater IP/Domain Name: Mention the Repeater device’s IP address or domain name.
  • Repeater Port: Mention the Repeater device’s Port.
  • Password: Enter the desired Password for logging to the RDP Session.
  • Ask user before taking RDP session?: Toggle the flag for Yes or No for permission before taking the RDP Session.
  • RDP Agent Port: Mention the configured RDP Port. It is mandatory.
  • Refresh Cycle: Select the time in minutes to refresh the cycle from the dropdown.

Once all the configurations are done, click Update and then Configure RDP.