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Motadata Docs

Associating Assets

A contract is generally created around an asset/assets, and it defines the obligation of the seller, and duties of the buyer. A contract can have relationship with an asset/assets.

  • You can view the assets associated with this contract. If not linked, you can link it using the Add Relation button, and select the desired asset from the list.
  • Go to the Contract Details page of a contract.
  • You can find all the existing associations under the Assets tab. Here, you have two options: Create a new Asset and Relate (Create and Relate), and relate an existing Asset (Add Relation).
Assets Tab
Assets Tab

From here, you can do the following:

  • Create and Relate an Asset
  • Add Relation
  • View the details of the associated asset from the grid
  • Remove or unlink the asset

Create and Relate

To create and associate an asset with the contract,

  1. Click the Create and Relate button, select Asset, and a popup appears.
Create and Relate Asset
Create and Relate Asset
  1. Enter the following details:
    • Name: Enter the name of the asset.
    • Asset Type: Select the type of the Asset. Select Hardware, Software, or Non-IT. A sub-category is also available for all the particular categories of any asset.
    • Product: Select the desired product from the dropdown. Also, you can search your desired products.
    • Managed By Group: Select the desired group which manages the particular asset.
    • Managed By: Select the desired name of the technician.
    • Department: Select the desired department to which the asset belongs.
    • Location: Select the location.
    • Asset Group: Select the group to which the asset belongs.
    • Used By: Select the name of the person who is going to use the asset.
    • Acquisition Date: Select the date when the asset is added.
    • Assignment Date: Select the date when the asset is handed over to the user.
    • Status: Select the status of the asset. The options are: In Use, In Stock, Missing, and Retired.
    • Impact: Select the impact of the asset. The options are: Low, On Users, On Department, and On Business.
    • Barcode: Enter the barcode number if available or generate if required. This field can be updated later.
    • Tags: Enter the tags for the asset.
    • Description: Enter a brief description about the asset.
    • Attachments: Attach any required documents or proofs along with the addition of the asset.
  2. Once done, click Create and Relate. The asset gets created, and related to the contract. Also, the associated asset appears in the grid.

Add Relation

To associate an asset/s:

  1. Click the Add Relation button and a popup appears.
  2. Select the asset/s to be associated.
  3. Click the Add Relation button and the selected assets get associated with the contract. Also, the asset appears in the grid.
Add Relation
Add Relation