Predefined Widgets

Currently, Motadata gives few Predefined Widgets out of the box. Each of them have different set of parameters. These Widgets support the following operations:

  • Predefined Widgets can be added to all kinds of Dashboards by their respective owners.
  • The super user is the default owner of all Predefined Widgets.
  • Only the super user can modify (even add Widgets) a Predefined Dashlet but cannot delete it.
  • The options to ignore time and location filters are disabled for Predefined Widgets.

Predefined Widgets are spread across all Dashlet types (KPI, Widget, and Shortcut), they are as follows:

1. KPIs:
They display a total count of the following:

  • Missing Patches awaiting for Approval
  • Patches Released in Last 30 Days
  • Vulnerable Systems
  • Health Systems
  • Missing Antivirus Patches
  • Missing Security Patches
  • Missing Patches
  • Installed Patches
  • Applicable Patches
  • Expired Software License
  • Total Non IT Assets
  • Total Prohibited Softwares
  • Total Managed Softwares
  • UnAssigned Hardware Assets
  • Total Computers
  • Hardware Assets
  • Open Changes
  • Open Releases
  • Open Problems
  • Closed Requests
  • Urgent Open Requests
  • My Open Requests
  • My Requests Due in the 24hours
  • My Overdue Requests
  • Requests Due in the 24hours
  • Overdue Requests
  • Unassigned Requests
  • Open Requests
Open Requests
Open Requests
Total Computers
Total Computers
Total Hardware Assets
Total Hardware Assets
Assets in Stock
Assets in Stock

2. Widgets:
They display a column graph which shows the following:

  • Monthly OLA Violation Count By Technician Group
  • Monthly OLA Violation Count By Technician
  • Severity Wise Missing Patches Awaiting Approval
  • Category Wise Missing Patches
  • Severity Wise Missing Patches
  • OS By Computers
  • System Heath Dashboard
  • Open Request Count by Category
  • Software Count by Software Category
  • Software Count by Software Type
  • Count of Hardware Asset by Location
  • Count of Hardware Asset by Vendor
  • Count of Hardware Asset by Product
  • Count of Hardware Asset by Status
  • Count of Daily closed Requests
  • Daily Incoming Requests Trends
  • Count of Reopened Requests By Technician
  • Count of Overdue Requests By Technician
  • My Open Requests By Priority
  • My Open Requests By Status
  • Open Requests By Technician
  • Open Requests By Priority
  • Open Requests By Status
Hardware Asset By Status
Hardware Asset By Status
Open Requests by Status
Open Requests by Status
Overdue Request
Overdue Request

3. Shortcuts:

  • My Pending Approvals
  • My Open Requests
  • My OpenTasks

Out of the Box Dashboards

Motadata ServiceOps provides four predefined Dashboards out of the box. Each of them have a theme that showcases specific Dashlets. These Dashboards support the following operations:

  • Predefined Dashboards are shared with all users
  • The super user is the owner of all Predefined Dashboards.
  • Only the super user can modify (even add Dashlets) a Predefined Dashboard but cannot delete it.
  • The Helpdesk Dashboard (one of the Predefined Dashboards) is the Default Dashboard for every user.

The Predefined Dashboards

  1. Helpdesk Dashboard: This Dashboard shows key metrics from the Request Management module. The idea behind the Dashboard is to give a snapshot of the efficiency with which Technicians are solving Request tickets. Here, you get the following Dashlets and filters:
    1. Data range (filter).
    2. Count of Open and Closed filter (KPI).
    3. Count of overdue and unassigned tickets (KPI).
    4. Graphical representation (widget) of ticket count by categories (for the given time range).
    5. Graphical representation (widget) of ticket count by Priority (for the given time range).
    6. Graphical representation (widget) of ticket count by Technician’s Request count by priority (for the given time range).
    7. Graphical representation (widget) of ticket count by Technician’s SLA violation by day (for the given time range).
Note: When you open Dashboard for the first time, the Helpdesk Dashboard opens by default.
  1. Asset Dashboard: This Dashboard shows key metrics from the Asset Management module. The idea behind the Dashboard is to give a summary of the total assets. Here, you get the following Dashlets and filters:
    1. Data range (filter).
    2. Count of Hardware, computers, managed software, prohibited, and Non IT assets filter (KPI).
    3. Graphical representation (widget) of Hardware Asset count by Location (for the given time range).
    4. Graphical representation (widget) of Hardware Asset count by Status (for the given time range).
    5. Graphical representation (widget) of Software by Software Category (for the given time range).
    6. Graphical representation (widget) of Hardware Asset count by Vendor (for the given time range).
    7. Graphical representation (widget) of Software by Software Type (for the given time range).
  1. Patch Dashboard: This Dashboard shows key metrics from the Patch Management module. The idea behind the Dashboard is to give a summary of the total assets. Here, you get the following Dashlets and filters:
    1. Data range (filter).
    2. Count of Missing Patches, Security Patches, Antivirus Patches, and Patches awaiting Approval filter (KPI).
    3. Count of Vulnerable and Health Systems filter (KPI).
    4. Graphical representation (widget) of System Health Dashboard (for the given time range).
    5. Graphical representation (widget) of Severity Wise Missing Patches (for the given time range).
    6. Graphical representation (widget) of Severity Wise Missing Patches Awaiting Approval (for the given time range).
    7. Graphical representation (widget) of OS By Computers (for the given time range).
    8. Graphical representation (widget) of Category Wise Missing Patches (for the given time range).

What can be done to a Predefined Dashboard?

Users can perform the following operations on a Predefined Dashboard:

  • Any user can make a duplicate of a Predefined Dashboard.
  • The super admin (only) can update the Name, Location filter and date range filter of a Predefined Dashboard.
  • The super admin (only) can view definition of, update and delete a Dashlet from a Predefined Dashboard.
  • The super admin (only) can create new Dashlets (KPIs and Widgets) and add them to a Predefined Dashboard.
  • The super admin (only) can resize a Widget block on a Predefined Dashboard.

Default Dashboard

Whenever you log into the Technician Portal the Default Dashboard greets you. In the system, there are multiple Dashboards supported: Predefined Dashboard and Custom Dashboards; and any one of them can be made the Default Dashboard.

Predefined Dashboards are available to all users. Custom Dashboards are profile specific, meaning you can see your own (created) Dashboard plus the Dashboards that others have shared with you.

Accessing the Dashboard Page

Here, you can view all your Dashboards.

  • Log in to the Technician Portal. The default Dashboard will greet you.

Here, you can do the following:

  1. Predefined Dashboards: You can select the dashboard that you want to view. The options are: Helpdesk Dashboard, Asset Dashboard, and Patch Dashboard.
  2. Filters: You can select the date range based on which you want to view the data.
  3. Customize: You can customize the current selected dashboard.
  4. Manage Dashboard: You can manage the dashboard by enabling or disabling any of them.
  5. Export: You can export the dashboard details in PNG format. It captures the details that are visible on the screen.


You can filter the data based on the following criteria:

  • Time Filter: You can select a specific time interval based on which details can be viewed. The options are: Today, Last 7 Days, Last 15 Days, Last 30 Days, This Week, and This Month.
    You can also create a custom filter using which you can select a date range (Start and End Date) based on which details can be fetched.
  • Auto Refresh Interval: You can set the interval within which the details will get refreshed and viewed automatically. The options are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes.

Once the filter is selected, click Apply and the data will be fetched accordingly.



To customize a particular dashboard, select it, click the Customize button on the top-right corner, and the below page appears.

Customize Dashboard
Customize Dashboard

Here, you can make the required changes like edit dashboard name, add widget, delete widget, add KPI, etc. Once done, click Update and a new dashboard based on the existing one gets created.

Manage Dashboard

To manage the dashboards, click the Manage Dashboard button on the top-right corner, and the below page appears.

Manage Dashboard
Manage Dashboard

Here, you can do the following:

  1. Search: You can search for the required dashboard based on keywords.
  2. Enable/Disable: You can enable or disable a dashboard.
  3. Re-Order: You can change the order of the dashboards appearing in the list using drag and drop.
  4. Duplicate: You can create a duplicate copy of the dashboard if required.
  5. Edit: You can edit the settings of the dashboard. You can also change the order of the widgets using drag and drop. You can edit only the custom dashboards and not the default.
  6. Delete: You can delete the dashboard if required. A confirmation message appears. Click Yes to continue or Cancel to stop the process. You can delete only the custom dashboards and not the default.


Modern businesses are driven by data. Proper data lays the foundation for effective monitoring and improvement of service delivery. A Dashboard provides a glance-view of key KPIs and relevant data. It can also contain important links (as shortcuts). The data shown on a Dashboard can be filtered to reflect a particular business process.

Motadata gives a robust Dashboard that is customizable and can show data in n number of ways. Some of the advantages of using the Motadata Dashboard are as follows:

  • A Dashboard is an empty canvas where a user can add custom data blocks to present the most valuable and useful set of information.
  • It allows a user to see at a glance an overall situation report of the desired information.
  • It enables a user to drill down into the details by simply selecting the desired variable and object.
  • An easy graphical interface allows a user to play with data and do easy cross-sectional analysis.
  • It can be a one page snapshot of key matrices of a business. A user of the Motadata Dashboard can quickly judge how well the Helpdesk is functioning.

Components of a Dashboard

A user can create multiple Dashboards and each can show different data blocks. It can be shared with multiple users; even individual data blocks can be shared with multiple users.

There are two main components of a Dashboard:

Filters: A Dashboard has two filters based on which the data is shown; they are: Date and Time range and Location filter. If both the filters are set, then a data point has to satisfy both the set filter conditions.

The location filter shows exclusively the data points having the set location. For example, if location is set to Ahmedabad then all the KPIs and Widgets will show data of that particular location. Filters are not applicable on Shortcuts.

Dashlet: A Dashlet is a single data block in a Dashboard. Currently, we support three kinds of Dashlets:

  1. KPI: A KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is a measurable value which helps in deducing the efficiency of a system. For example: the number of resolved Request tickets over the last 30 days is one of the many indicators of efficiency of the Helpdesk.
  2. Widgets: A Widget is a graphical representation of the data filtered by time and other parameters.
  3. Shortcuts: It is a list of Frequent Access Items like My Open Requests, My Pending Approval, My Open Tasks, etc.

The list of supported Modules

The Dashboards can be created for the following modules:

  • Incident or Service Request
  • Problem
  • Change
  • Release
  • Asset Management (Hardware, Software, and Non IT)
  • Patch
  • Software License
  • Project

Who Can Work with the Dashboards?

A Technician with the following Technicians (Admin >Technician) can work with the Motadata Dashboard:

  • Manage Dashboard: You can only create Dashboards and add a Predefined Dashlet, but you cannot create a new Dashlet.
  • Manage KPI and Widget: You can create Dashboards and add a Predefined Dashlet. Also, the creation of a new Dashlet is possible.

Change Details Page

To view the Change Details page, click on the subject of the change or View Details page icon as shown below:

Options to open Change Details Page
Options to open Change Details Page

The Change Details page appears.

Change Details Page
Change Details Page

Subject and Description

You can see the complete subject and the description on the top of the details page.

Change Subject and Description
Change Subject and Description

Classifiers of Change

These properties tell you the current statistics of the change and help you to classify them under different labels. When someone works on a change, they update the labels accordingly. For e.g. if the status is closed, it means you do not need to do anything on the change.

Properties Showing Change Classifiers
Properties Showing Change Classifiers
Properties Description
Status This label shows the current status of the change. The status is based on the change workflow.
Priority The label classifies the change based on the priority. The value in this label shows the current priority of the change. The default values are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent.
Urgency The label classifies the change based on the urgency. The value in this label shows the current urgency of the change. The default values are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent.
Impact The label classifies the change based on the impact factor. The value in this label shows the current impact of the change. The default values are: Low, On Users, On Department, and On Business.
Technician Group The label helps you sorting the technician when there is a long list. Based on the value selected here, the values of Assignee dropdown changes.
Assignee The label classifies the change based on the person to whom this change is assigned. When the value is unassigned, it means that change is not assigned to anyone. The values of assignee depends on the Technician Group value.
Due In Shows the due date and time of the change request. This can be set as the Change Schedule End Date if no SLA is applicable.
Change Risk Shows the risk related to the change. The options are: Low, Medium, and High.
Change Type Shows the type of the change. The default values are: Minor, Standard, Significant, Major, and Emergency.
Add Tags You can add the custom tags to quickly find the changes based on it. Also, system adds some default tags when based on certain labels and actions.

Associated Actions for Change

You can create or update different actions and activities as a part of communication, collaboration, and resolution in the change. The available types of actions are:

Action Types Description
Planning You can create a schedule and the plan related to the change.
Collaboration You can add collaboration messages and notes related to the change.
Tasks You can add and manage different tasks related to the change.
Approvals You can see the approvals given for the change and remind the concerned technician about it.
Relations You can relate the change with other changes, change, change, knowledge.
Work Log You can add and manage the work log about the time and actions spent on the change.
Audit Trail You can see the activity in the journal of all the actions related to the change.
Notifications You can send notifications related to the change.
Additional actions for Change
Additional actions for Change

Other Information

The other information displays additional details about the change. You can change them if required.

Other Info about the Change
Other Info about the Change
  • Category: Shows the category of the change. Default values are: Software, Hardware, Network, HR, or Other.
  • Department: Shows the name of the department to which the change request belongs.
  • Company: Shows the company associated with the change. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.
  • Location: Shows the location from where the change is generated.
  • Change Reason: Show the reason for change.
  • Change Type: Shows the type of change.
  • Target Environment: Shows the environment on which change will affect. Default values are: Production, Development, and Test.
  • Implementer: Shows the name of the person who is implementing the change.
  • Manager: Shows the name of the manager who is owning the change.
  • Reviewer: Shows the name of the reviewer who is reviewing the change.
  • Current SLA: Shows the assigned SLA.
  • Escalation Level: Shows the escalation level of the change.
  • Template: Shows the name of the template used to create the change.
  • Last Update Date: Shows the date and timestamp of the last activity on the change.

Change Actions

On the top-right corner of the page, you will see a set of actions.

Action options on Change Details page
Action options on Change Details page
  • Previous: Click to go to the previous change.
  • Next: Click to go to the next change.
  • Close: Click the Close Change button to close the change. Click here to see what happens when you close a change.
  • More Actions: Click on the vertical 3 dots to see other actions available for the change. The options are:
    • Archive: Select to archive the change.
    • Print: Select to print the change details in PDF format.

Change List View

The Change List View page displays all the available changes in the system. It is the central hub for a technician, where you can find a change, and act upon it.

Change List View
Change List View
  1. Filter: You can filter the changes by clicking the desired option. E.g.: If All Open Changes is selected, the grid displays all the changes with open status.
  2. Search: You can look for specific change by searching them. The search is a faceted search and allows you to search with specific criteria. The filter option uses a predefined criteria and segregates the list accordingly. You can find more details in the search section.
  3. Bulk Operations: You can select multiple changes and take the required action as shown below.
Bulk Operations in Change
Bulk Operations in Change
  1. Grid: Displays all the changes in the grid.
  2. Change Assignee: You can change the assignee from the Assigned To column by clicking on the assignee’s name and selecting the desired technician.
  3. Change Priority: You can change the priority of the change by clicking on it and selecting the required option. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent. The default value is Low.
  4. Change Type: You can change the type by clicking on it and selecting the required option. The options are: Minor, Standard, Significant, Major, and Emergency.
  5. Change Risk: You can change the risk of the change by clicking on it and selecting the required option. The options are: Low, Medium, and High. The default value is Low.
  6. Export: You can export the change list in CSV and Excel format. To do so,
    • Click the Export button and a popup appears.
    • Select the Format as CSV or Excel.
    • Select the desired fields to be included in the file.
    • Click Export and a link to download the file is sent via an email.
Export Change List
Export Change List
  1. Refresh: You can refresh the change list. This is useful when multiple people are working on the change and contents are updated frequently.
  2. Column Selection: You can select the columns to be displayed in the grid table as shown below.
Column Selection
Column Selection
  1. Calendar/List View: You can toggle between the calendar view and list view. The default view is list view. In Calendar View, an option to select month is available. By default, the current month will be shown. In calendar view all changes will be shown that either starts or ends in selected month. Only one-month view at a time is available. The change can be directly viewed by hovering the mouse on the Change Date as shown in the below-left figure. You can also alter it to the List view later if wish to.
Calendar View
Calendar View
List View
List View

Change Management

Once the root cause of the problem is found, and a change is required as a solution, the change management module comes into picture.

What is Change Management?

Change management is an approach with standard methods to process the changes in the IT infrastructure. It includes planning and a workflow to minimize the negative impact during and after the change is processed. The change management ensures efficient and prompt response to requests or problems. It maintains an equilibrium between the expected outcome and possible failures.

What is a Change Request?

The change, as the name indicates is the new difference required to be processed from the agreed existing requirements. For example: An employee can request a change of Laptop. A change request has a life cycle and uses planning and workflow to process a change request.

Change Management in ServiceOps

Whenever a change request is created with respect to an incident or problem, its resolution is planned, approved from the approvers, implemented, reviewed, and lastly closed.

The ServiceOps Change Management involves the following activities:

Change Management Lifecycle
Change Management Lifecycle
  • Creating Change Requests in the Portal.
  • Classifying the change based on priority, impact, and urgency.
  • Planning the impact, rollout, and backout of the change request.
  • Escalating if necessary for further investigation.
  • Implementing the change.
  • Reviewing it.
  • Closing the change request once it is fulfilled.

In this section you can do the following:

  • Create New changes: You can create a change within the system.
  • View changes: View all the changes of your organization. This depends on your role. For example: If you are an HR, you will see the changes created for HR department.
  • Update changes: Modify the basic details of the change request.
  • Manage changes: Based on the role you can: manage workflow, claim changes, assign change to others, archive changes, approve/reject changes, create and manage tasks, add relations, etc.
  • Control Settings as an Admin: You can control the behavior of how the changes are managed and who can do what.

Creating a Change

To create a change,

  1. Click the Create New + button and select the Create Change option. The following page appears.
Create Change option
Create Change option
Create Change Page
Create Change Page
  1. Enter the following details:
    Parameter Description
    Fill From Template Select a template for the change. Once selected, it will automatically fill the entire form. You can check if the pre-filled details match your needs, else you can create the change manually. Once selected, you can also reset it to default using the Reset to Default link. For more details on template creation, refer to the link Change Templates.
    Requester Select the name of the person who is requesting to open the change. By default, system takes your name as the requester. You can also create a change on behalf of another requester. For example: If you are signed-in with name Jerry, you can create a change from another name i.e. Mary. Once a change is created, you can view its creator from the Audit Trail tab of the Change Details page.
    Subject Type the subject of the change. A subject should be short self-descriptive text to understand the change.
    Description Type the detailed description about the change. The description should contain sufficient details about the nature of the change and what do you expect from a technician.
    Start Date Select the start date and time when the change was initiated.
    End Date Select the end date to resolve/close the change.
    Priority Select the priority of the change. The default value is Low. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent.
    Urgency Select the urgency of the problem. The default value is Low. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Urgent.
    Impact Select the impact of the problem. The default value is low. The options are: On Users, On Department, and On Business.
    Category Select the category of the problem. It is optional.
    Change Risk Select the risk associated with the change. The default value is Low. The options are: Low, Medium, High, and Critical.
    Change Type Select the type of the change. The default value is Minor. The options are: Minor, Standard, Significant, Major, and Emergency.
    Change Reason Select the reason for the change. It is optional.
    Target Environment Select the environment that will be affected by the change.
    Technician Group Select the technician group to whom the change is to be assigned.
    Assignee Select the assignee to whom the change should be assigned. It is optional.
    Department Select the department to whom the change is to be assigned.
    Company Select the company to associate with the change. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.
    Location Select the location.
    Tags Add the tags if required. These are useful in identifying the similar changes. It is optional.
    Attachment Attach the relevant files that will help the technician in resolving the change ticket.
    Link Assets Click to link the associated assets if any with the newly created change. If clicked, a popup appears displaying the list of assets. Select the asset type, the relevant required assets, and click the Link button as shown below.
Link Assets
Link Assets
  1. Once done, click Create. The change gets created and appears on the Change list page. Also, an email is sent to you acknowledging the change. A change starts with a prefix ‘CHG’. For e.g. CHG – 1.

Change Schedule Conflict

When you create any new change and select the Start Date and End Date, a tab Change Schedule Conflict appears. It displays all the open changes which falls in the current change schedule based on which you can change the date if required. To view all the changes click the option Full Screen View. Also, you can view all the changes directly in the Calendar View as well as in List View. By default, the changes appear in List View.

Change Schedule Conflict (List View)
Change Schedule Conflict (List View)
Change Schedule Conflict (Calendar View)
Change Schedule Conflict (Calendar View)

Problem Management

What is a Problem?

Problems are the underlying cause of the incidents according to IT Infrastructure Library. When we work on an incident, it is also important to resolve the problem, preventing the future incidents and minimizing the damage.

Problems are widely classified into two categories:

  • Reactive Problems are the problems at hand. These are known problems in the system that have relationships with one or more incidents.
  • Proactive Problems are anticipated problems that might occur at a future date. They are the potential causes of incidents.

What is Problem Management?

As a technician, you can work on the problems anywhere anytime using a browser and Internet connection. In this system, problem management module offers you the following features:

  • Create New problems: You can create problems within the system.
  • View problems: View all the problems of your organization. This depends on your role. For e.g. if you are an HR, you can see the problems created for HR department.
  • Update problems: Modify the basic details of the problem.
  • Manage problems: Based on the role you can: claim problems, assign problems to others, archive problems, approve/reject problems, create and manage tasks, add relations, etc.
  • Control Settings as an Admin: You can control the behavior of how the problems are managed and who can do what.
Note: Above features are some high level features and is not an exhaustive list. The system offers much more features.

Start Your Journey With

  • Problem List View Page: This displays a list of problems along with their details. You can also search, export, refresh, and select the columns to be displayed in the grid table.
  • Create A New Problem: This explains how you can create a problem.
  • Problem Details Page Options: This displays the details of the problem. Also, it explains what you can do with a problem.
  • Admin Settings: This explains all the things you can control as an admin.