Audit Trail

The Audit Trail tab stores all the actions that you and other technicians perform. This tab is common at all the places in the system. When you are on the details page of any module, it will display the concerned activity logs only.

Audit Trail Tab
Audit Trail Tab


This tab displays the list of configurations that are to be deployed in the selected computers or agents.

Deployment Tab
Deployment Tab

Here, you can also view the status of the deployment. The value of the status changes as the deployment process moves further.


This tab displays the configurations that are added at the time of creation along with their details.

Configuration Tab
Configuration Tab


This tab displays the list of computers which are selected for the configuration deployment.

Computers Tab
Computers Tab

Here you can,

  • Search for a particular computer with the help of keyword.
  • View the agent details.

The agents/computers with the Green icon indicate the agent is in Online Status while yellow indicates Offline.

USB Configuration Deployment Details Page

On the USB configuration Deployment Details page, you can edit and view the complete details of the configuration, and perform the desired activity.

To view the details, from the list page click on the ID, and the below page appears.

USB Configuration Details Page
USB Configuration Details Page


To edit the configuration deployment details, click the edit icon (Pencil), and the following page appears.

Edit Deployment Page
Edit Deployment Page

Edit the required details and click Edit to save. For more details, refer to the link Create USB Configuration Deployment.


These properties tells you the current statistics of the configuration deployment and help you classify them under the different labels. When someone works on an USB Configuration deployment, they update the labels accordingly.

Classifiers of USB Configuration Deployment
Classifiers of USB Configuration Deployment
  • Asset Configuration Type: Displays the type of asset configuration.
  • Status: Displays the current status of the deployment. The values are Ready to Deploy, In Progress, and finally Completed.
  • Task Type: Displays the type of the deployment.
  • Deployment Policy: Displays the policy selected for the deployment.
  • Install After: Displays the date after which the deployment is to be initiated.
  • Expiry Date: Displays the expiry date mentioned for the deployment.

Associated Actions

You can create or update different actions and activities as a part of communication, collaboration, and resolution in the configuration deployment. The available types of actions are:

Associated Actions
Associated Actions
  • Computers: You can view computers (agents) for configuration deployment.
  • Configuration: You can see the list of affected packages by particular package.
  • Deployment: You can view the Installation packages of the particular package.
  • Audit Trail: You can see the activity in the journal of all the actions related to the package.

Other Information

The other information displays additional details about the USB Configuration deployment.

Other Information
Other Information
  • Notify to: You can select the number of users to be notified regarding the deployment from the the dropdown.
  • Retry Failed Configuration: Displays if the retry configuration is enabled or disabled.
  • Retry Count: Displays the number of retries, if enabled
  • Last Updated Date: Displays the date when the deployment was last updated.

Cancel Asset Configuration

To cancel the deployment process,

  1. Click the More Options icon (vertical 3 dots) and select the option Cancel Asset Configuration.
  2. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Yes to continue or No to stop the process.
Cancel Asset Configuration
Cancel Asset Configuration


To archive the deployment request,

  1. Click the More Options icon (vertical 3 dots) and select the option Archive.
  2. A confirmation dialog appears. Click Yes to continue or No to stop the process.

Note: This option appears when the deployment status is either cancelled or completed.

Archive Deployment Request
Archive Deployment Request

Create USB Configuration Deployment

To create USB configuration deployment, follow the below steps:
Click the Create USB Configuration Deployment button on the top-right corner of the list page, and the below screen appears.

Create USB Configuration Deployment Page
Create USB Configuration Deployment Page

Enter the following details:

  • Name: Enter the name of the deployment.
  • Install After: Select the future date for installation.
  • Expiry Date: Select the future expiry date.

USB Configurations

Select the USB Configurations that you want to deploy using the Add USB Configuration button or create custom configurations using the Create USB Configuration button.

To add the already existing USB Configurations,

  1. Click the Add USB Configuration button and a popup appears.
  2. Select the desired configurations.
  3. Click Add and it appears in the list.
Add USB Configuration
Add USB Configuration

To create custom USB Configurations,

  1. Click the Create USB Configuration button and the below popup appears.
Create USB Configuration
Create USB Configuration
  1. Enter the below details:
    Parameter Description
    Name Enter the name of the configuration.
    USB Configuration Type Select the type of configuration that you want to create. The options are: Block and Unblock.
    USB Configuration Action Select the action that you want to perform. The options are:

    • Block: If selected, the configuration will be used to block some a user or computer from accessing a particular USB device.
    • Unblock: If selected, the blocked user or computer will be able to access the USB device.
    Configuration Applicable On Select on whom you want to apply the configuration. The options are: Current User and Computer.
    Description Enter a short description about the configuration.
  2. Once all the details are filled, click Add, and the configuration gets added to the list.


Select the desired computers (agents)  in which you want to apply the configurations using the Add Computers link on the top-right corner. The computers are the agents used in the deployment process and can be multiple as well. You can add more computers for selection, refer to the link End Points Scope.

Add Computers Link
Add Computers Link
Add Computers
Add Computers

Configuration Settings

Configuration Settings
Configuration Settings
  • Deployment Policy: Select the policy as per which the deployment should take place.
  • Notify To: Select the technician to whom an email is to be sent about the deployment.
  • Retry Failed Configuration: Enable the parameter if the configuration deployment should be retried in case it is failed. By default, it is disabled.
  • Retry Count: Enter the number of times the deployment should be retried again, in case once failed.

Once all the configurations are done, click Create to save it. A deployment request starts with a prefix ‘CDR’ (Create Deployment Request). For example: CDR – 1. If required, you can also click Cancel to stop the configuration deployment process.
Once created, the status of the USB configuration deployment changes to Ready to Deploy and the Installation Status becomes Yet to Receive. This status changes as and when the installation process moves further. Once the Installed Status in the details page displays Success, the access of the Disk Drive will get unblocked for the selected computer.

Create Tenant

To create a tenant, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Create Tenant button and a popup appears.
Create Tenant button
Create Tenant button
Create Tenant
Create Tenant
  1. Enter the below details:
    Parameter Description
    User Full Name Enter the full name of the user.
    User Email Enter the email address of the user using which you can login.
    Password Enter the password.
    Company Enter the name of the company.
    Time Zone Select the time zone.
    Contact No. Enter the contact number of the user.
    Sub Domain Enter the sub domain name.

    Note: A Sub Domain should not contain spaces, special characters, and uppercase letters.
    Preferred URL Enter the preferred URL using which you can access the tenant. The URL should be in the below format: {subdomain}.{domain}.com

    For example: If is the domain and james is the subdomain, the preferred URL will be

    Technician Count Enter the number of technicians you want to allow to be added in the tenant out of the total technicians license.
    Hardware Asset Count Enter the number of hardware assets you want to allow to be added in the tenant out of the total hardware assets license.
    Non-IT Asset Count Enter the number of Non-IT assets you want to allow to be added in the tenant out of the total Non-IT assets license.
    End Points Scope Count Enter the number of end points you want to allow to be added in the tenant out of the total End Points Scope license.
  2. Once all the details are filled, click Save, and the tenant will get created. By default, it is enabled. Similarly, you can create multiple tenants. Note, the tenant creation process may take some time as it is getting registered for the first time in ServiceOps.


    • You can create multiple tenants, but at a time only 10 tenants (including the default tenant) can be active.
    • Once a tenant is created, you cannot reuse the name even after deleting it.

Edit Tenant

To edit the tenant, click the edit icon next to the desired tenant, and a popup appears as shown below. Change the required details and click Update.

Edit Tenant
Edit Tenant

Access the Tenant

  1. To access the tenant portal, enter the Preferred URL in the address bar of the browser, and the home page appears as shown below.
Accessing the Tenant Portal
Accessing the Tenant Portal
  1. Click the Login button and the below page appears.
Login Page
Login Page
  1. Enter the email address and the password set at the time of creation and click Sign In. The Change Password page appears. When logging into the portal for the first time, you are asked to change the password.
Change Password Page
Change Password Page
  1. Enter the current password, new password, and confirm password. Once done, click Submit.
  2. Now, sign-in with the new password and the below screen appears.
Tenant Home Page
Tenant Home Page
  1. You can now use this portal as per your requirement.


  • The configurations made in the tenant and the default tenant will be independent. The changes  made in one tenant will not be affected in any other tenant.
  • The license used in the tenant (child) is provided from the license that is assigned to the default tenant (parent).
  • If this feature is enabled, the URLs provided in the File Server, Base URL, etc., should be replaced with proper domain names instead of IP Address or localhost.


Motadata ServiceOps supports the Tenant Management feature. This enables you to create and maintain multiple tenants for a particular organization. Thus, an organization with multiple branches or departments can create and maintain a separate ServiceOps instance (tenant) for each branch. This makes it easy for the companies to manage the users, assets, etc., branch specific without affecting the parent tenant.

For example: If a company named Apolo has multiple branches like apolotyres, apolohospital, etc., and a ServiceOps instance is required for each branch. You can achieve this, by creating tenants (apolotyres, apolohospital) under a default tenant (apolo). Once a tenant is created, you cannot delete it. However, you can disable or edit it. Also, the changes made in one tenant will not affect the parent company and vice versa. All the tenants are independent of each other.


  • This feature is available only if the option Multitenant is enabled in the license.
  • A license can either contain Managed Services Provider or Tenant Management feature enabled, but not both.
  • Currently, the Tenant Management feature is not supported in the SaaS application.

To use this feature:

  1. First enable the Multitenant option in the License. The sub-menu Tenant Management will become available in the Organization menu.
  2. Open the Tenant Management page and create a tenant.
  3. Once the tenant is created, access it using the Preferred URL configured at the time of creation.
  4. When accessing the tenant for the first time, the user is required to change the password.
  5. You can now use the tenant and perform the required configurations.
Note: The Tenant Management sub-menu will be available in the default tenant user only.

To view the Tenant Management page, navigate to Admin > Organization > Tenant Management, and the below page appears.

Tenant Management Page
Tenant Management Page

The page displays a default tenant along with the custom.
Here, you can do the following:

  1. Search: You can search for the required tenant using keywords.
  2. Refresh: You can refresh the list of tenants to get the latest updates.
  3. Create Tenant: You can create a tenant.
  4. Default Tenant: The default tenant cannot be disabled. It remains enabled by default.
  5. Enabled: You can enable or disable the tenant. Once disabled, the tenant will become inaccessible. Also, the number of licenses allotted will move back to the default tenant. The default tenant cannot be disabled. You can create multiple tenants, but at a time only 10 tenants can be active including the default one, the rest has to be disabled. Else, you cannot create the 11th one.
  6. Edit: You can edit the details of the tenant.
  7. Edit Sub Domain: You can edit the sub domain name of the tenant from the list page. Once edited, you need to edit the Preferred URL also. Else, the tenant portal will become inaccessible.
Edit Sub-Domain Option
Edit Sub-Domain Option
Editing the Sub-Domain
Editing the Sub-Domain

Calendar View

The calendar view displays requests and tasks that are due within the selected time range. This helps the technicians to get a quick view of the requests and tasks, and work accordingly to close or accomplish them. Thus, it acts as an alert for the technicians to resolve the tickets on or before the due date. You can view the list day wise, week wise, and month wise. By default, the calendar displays data of the Current Week.

To view the calendar, click the Calendar icon next to the Create New button as shown below. The below screen appears.

Calendar View
Calendar View
Available Options
Available Options

Here, you have the below options:

  • Refresh: You can refresh the entries appearing in the calendar.
  • Filter: Click on the filter icon and a section appears where you can filter the data based on modules (Request and Task), Technician Group, and Technician. Once selected, click Apply, and the details will appear accordingly. Also, you can select the day, week, or month for which you want to fetch the data as shown below.


  • If a technician has Global or Global Restricted Access, the requests and tasks related to all the Technician Groups and Technicians (based on the selected Technician Group) will be displayed in the calendar.
  • If a technician has Group access, then the requests or tasks will be displayed related to one’s own group and technician (based on the selected Technician Group).
  • If a technician has Restricted Scope, the Technician Group and Technician filters will not be available.
Details Based on Filter Criteria: Module: Request, Technician Group: Support, and Date: Week wise
Details Based on Filter Criteria: Module: Request, Technician Group: Support, and Date: Week wise
  • Previous: You can click the previous button to view the previous day’s, week’s, or month’s details in the calendar.
  • Next: You can click the next button to view the next day’s, week’s, or month’s details in the calendar.
  • View Individual Ticket: Click the ticket and a popup window will appear displaying the details as shown below. Here, you can edit the details of the request.
Viewing Request Details
Viewing Request Details

Support Portals

Here, you can create and manage multiple Support Portals for companies created in the Managed Services Provider sub-menu. A single Support Portal can be associated to a single Company. If required, you can also customize their look and feel with the help of branding.

Note: This tab is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled. If disabled, only Support Portal Settings (Support Portal) tab will be available.

To view the Support Portals list page, navigate to Admin > Support Channels > Support Portal > Support Portals tab, and the below page appears.

Support Portals list page
Support Portals list page

Here, you can do the following:

  • View the details of the already existing Support Portals.
  • Create Support Portal: You can create and associate a Support Portal to a company.
  • Enable/Disable: You can enable or disable a Support Portal by clicking the toggle button. Once enabled, its color will turn green. By default, it is disabled.
  • Edit: You can edit the required Support Portal.
  • Branding: You can customize the theme and details of the Support Portal as per your requirement.

Create Support Portal

To create a new Support Portal, follow the below steps:

  1. Click Create Support Portal on the top-right corner of the page.
Create Support Portal Popup
Create Support Portal Popup
  1. Enter the below details:
    • Support Portal Name: Enter the name of the Support Portal.
    • Company: Select the company with whom you want to associate the Support Portal.
    • Support Portal URL: Enter the URL of the Support Portal. This will be used for accessing the portal.
  2. Once done, click Save and the Support Portal will get created. By default, it is in disabled state. To access this portal, you need to enable it, and then enter the URL in the address bar of the browser. Once done, the Support Portal will appear.
Note: A Support Portal can only be disabled and not deleted from here. However, if its associated Company is deleted it will also get deleted automatically.

You can now enable it, edit, or set branding for it.

  1. In the Enabled column, click the toggle button to enable it to make it live.
  2. To edit the details, click the Edit icon. Here, you can edit the Support Portal Name and its URL. Once done click Update.
Edit Support Portal
Edit Support Portal


To set branding for a particular Support Portal, click the Branding icon, and a side-popup appears.

Branding Option
Branding Option
Support Portal Branding Popup
Support Portal Branding Popup

The popup provides you with two tabs: Details and Theme.


The details tab enables you to change the following details of the portal:

  • Helpdesk Name
  • Support Portal Title
  • Support Email
  • Support Contact No.
  • Brand Logo
  • Dark Theme Logo
  • Favicon

You can also view the Preview of the uploaded logo and favicon.

Helpdesk Name: The name configured here will be available on the Chatbot of the Support Portal.

Helpdesk Name
Helpdesk Name


This tab enables you to customize the look and feel of the Support Portal. You can change it to match your branding requirements. From here, you can define the dark and light theme colors for the portal.

Theme tab
Theme tab

To change the theme of the portal,

  1. Select the theme.
  2. Select the colors of the portal:
    • Primary: Changes the color of the buttons, headings, links, and the left panel menu items. You can also change the text and page background colors.
    • Secondary: Changes the color of the error/warning messages, alerts, and notifications including information and success banners.
    • Neutral: Changes the color of the buttons other than the ones changed by primary colors. Search tags, three-dot menu, the header of the grid or table, and the area highlighted on-hover can be changed.
  3. Once done, click Update to apply the theme. You can also preview the changes using the Preview button. To reset the theme to default, click the Reset button.
Tooltip for each Color
Tooltip for each Color

Access the Support Portal

  1. To access the Support portal, enter the Support Portal URL in the address bar of the browser, and the home page appears as shown below.
Accessing the Support Portal URL
Accessing the Support Portal URL
  1. Click the Login button and the below page appears.
Sign In Page
Sign In Page
  1. Enter the email addresspassword, and click Sign In. The below screen appears.
Support Portal Home Page
Support Portal Home Page
  1. You can now use this portal as per your requirement.