We can’t stress enough on the importance of event correlation in network monitoring. Our customers love correlation! For the love of event correlation we’ve published a blog on why modern organizations rely on event correlation.

This is the second blog from the correlation series. You might want to read our previous blog before reading this one.

Coping up with Pandemic

During the current pandemic situation IT leaders are focussed on improving infrastructure resiliency to protect their organizations from significant business disruptions. Event correlation can come handy during such uncertain times.

Disease outbreaks often result in more employees working remotely, particularly when they reach epidemic or pandemic proportions; & travel restrictions within an affected area results in a shortage of available IT operations staff.

These factors may drive increased demand for remote support at a time when fewer employees are available to provide it.

Event correlation helps your IT staff save time and effort as they don’t need to individually go through every metric to find the needle in the haystack. With event correlation they can quickly see all the related events in one dashboard & understand the interdependencies.

Optimizing & Improving Network Performance

Measuring & reporting on network’s performance is crucial to make sure that the appropriate steps are taken so that overall performance remains at an acceptable level.

Network monitoring along with event correlation capabilities supports many functions within IT, and also supports business objectives.

It may improve business outcomes for internal end-users as well as external customers via improved service delivery. As per Gartner, such capabilities enable improved network capacity management, thereby optimizing enterprise investment.

Network operators, network architects, IT operations managers, IT operations generalists and the line-of-business user everyone find event correlation useful. Why? Because it helps them look beyond traditional network operations.

Event correlation can serve as the primary basis of analysis, and together with root cause analysis it can play a key role in IT operations management.

Event Correlation can help you ensure IT security

This is probably the most talked about use case for event correlation. You can see both metrics and logs in one place & understand the source of the problem with the combined view. We’ve a blog which explains why monitoring both metrics and logs is important for businesses.

Event logs are really useful in understanding the IT security threats, but when kept in isolation they are kind of worthless. When event logs are analysed side-by-side then only security threat related patterns can only be recognized.

Complicated relationships between many events happening across the network generally make the process of identifying a threat pattern difficult when you’ve logs coming in from disparate sources as well as databases.

To convert your raw logs into intelligent actionable insights you need to connect the dots from numerous different sources of logs which can be a complex process without event correlation in place.

Event correlation provides IT guys the ability to make informed responses to security threats and devise better IT policies.

Patterns tell Stories

Event correlation can help you identify several patterns or trends in your network behaviour which in turn can help you manage or plan the capacity for your network.

When you understand the trends or behaviour of your IT network with the help you event correlation, you have your peace of mind by helping you focus on what matters the most.

You don’t need to login to different tools to measure metrics or you don’t need to switch tabs between multiple dashboards if you have event correlation in place.

You can visualize the interdependencies and understand the impact one entity has on another. You can read correlated metrics while performing root cause analysis too.

Save time & Boost Efficiency with Motadata

Manual event correlation can be cumbersome and error prone. If you’ve a smart tool like Motadata then you can automate it and save time for your hard working IT professionals.

Motadata’s Network Monitoring Software has event correlation, automated root cause analysis, and a lot more. With a single tool you can monitor all the layers of your IT infrastructure and at the same time you can correlate the metrics as well as logs.

During these uncertain times we’ve extended our free trial from 30 to 60 days for our user community. Get the feel of powerful event correlation with this trial of unified network monitoring solution. Contact sales@motadata.com for more information.