The business sector has advanced technologically and made great leaps toward modernization throughout the years, resulting in some substantial workplace changes.

To promote an employee-friendly workplace, traditional techniques of operations need to be abandoned in favor of more modern approaches that are more appropriate in today’s reality.

As a result, organizations dealing with the after-effects of the pandemic can still have a productive and engaged modern workplace even though technical changes that are required will continue to be in place for years to come.

In this blog, we will walk you through the most essential components of a modern workplace and how you can adapt them for your business.

What are the Essential Components of a Modern Workplace?

1. Collaboration in modern ITSM

Collaboration is not a new concept, and it has been in use for a long time. However, in recent years, it has picked up steam, and organizations today encourage collaboration more than ever.

In fact, two of the most essential issues that organizations today are concentrating their efforts on are collaboration and knowledge management.

Both stem from the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), which is a collection of specific IT service management (ITSM) practices for aligning IT services with business requirements.

To enable collaboration, organizations need to make sure that their resources are aligned so that employees in the workplace are working with the same knowledge.

For this, organizations need to shift away from old techniques to keep developing and improving knowledge management. Here, ITSM techniques can assist in making the transition from the creation of knowledge to capturing knowledge that is useful and shareable.

This leads to more clarity and accountability in the workplace.

2. Hyper Automation in ITSM for better MTTR

Hyper automation is the practice of automating everyday processes by integrating a number of technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), and machine learning (ML).

Organizations that leverage the power of automation can significantly cut costs, improve the quality of their internal and external services, boost efficiency, and make data-driven decisions with improved real-time analytics.

They can also invest in B2E solutions to further enhance employee productivity, streamline communication processes, and facilitate collaboration across departments.

Since automation can handle low-level activities, support departments in any workplace can use their valuable resources and time on more challenging issues and in turn, improve the end-user and customer experience.

3. AI chatbot in ITSM for quick Adoption

Despite the fact that support ticket volumes increased tremendously during the pandemic, employee recruiting rates did not, resulting in employee fatigue.

To handle this increased demand with a fixed workforce, organizations need to make the shift to AI-enabled chatbots.

Chatbots, also known as virtual assistants or conversational AI, leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) and natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to users’ natural language.

They have their own characteristics that are intimately related to the organization’s to make the user experience pleasant and straightforward, while they deliver quick and practical solutions to users.

Chatbots, as virtual agents, enhance operational efficiency by promptly addressing customer inquiries, improving services, and even facilitating discussions on topics such as asking for a raise within the workplace.

They also help organizations make data-driven decisions by capturing, analyzing, and processing crucial data from their user interactions.

4. Offer Full using Modern ITSM Service catalog

Most workplaces will agree that the majority of their employees or users do not know how to find offered services yet expect smooth and quick service delivery.

The importance of service delivery in today’s increasingly connected work environments cannot be overstated.

The expectation of being able to make a request and obtain services promptly has become the norm, and as a result, businesses need to adjust their service delivery methods to make services more accessible and consumable.

This is why service catalogs are an essential element of modernizing any workplace. As the name implies, a service catalog is a catalog of products and services – a single source of reliable information on all services provided by an organization’s support departments.

Service catalogs present services in a structured, easy-to-use interface with sufficient documentation to end-users. This helps provide visibility into what services are available, how they will be supplied, and when they will be delivered.

With the help of service catalogs, support teams can leverage dedicated workflows and standardized information collection to provide seamless and consistent services to their users.

5. Unified Self Service Portal

The COVID-19 pandemic gave birth to a new style of working with a distributed workforce that works remotely, buys their own devices, and uses several collaboration platforms.

For such hybrid work environments, multi-channel communications have become crucial due to the fact that they provide so many options for how to communicate and share information quickly, effortlessly, and in real-time.

Multi-channel options like a self-service portal can help end-users to log into a web-based interface or a mobile app to submit their service requests or issues, quickly track the progress of their requests, and receive notifications when requests are completed.

Furthermore, users can access a well-curated knowledge base to find solutions to common queries by themselves without needing the help of any support departments.

With organizations moving to remote workforces, the adoption of collaboration platforms like MS Teams, Slack, Telegram, etc. has really increased.

In fact, organizations are now incorporating live chat support channels and chatbots into such business collaboration platforms so that users can receive help wherever they are, whenever they want without having to log into a separate support portal.

Live chat is being added not only on websites, but also it’s possible to add that function in application by using a chat SDK integration.


Now that you know the crucial elements of a modern workplace, you must have realized that modernizing your workplace can bring you several benefits like increased efficiency, boosted productivity, innovation capabilities, and a competitive edge.

However, in order to gain these benefits and begin your digital transformation, you must first select the appropriate tool.

For years, some of these technologies and features have been accessible in ITSM products with most ITSM platforms providing basic workflow management features, consumer-style self-service capabilities, codeless workflow and automation design capabilities, and AI-enabled capabilities for virtual agents or chatbots, auto-ticket processing, and predictive analytics.

If you are looking for a tool to begin your digital transformation, look no further than Motadata ServiceOps.

Motadata ServiceOps is an easy-to-use, codeless service management software for your entire organization, comprising all the above mentioned capabilities to support you in modernizing your workplace.

Schedule a demo to see how you can use Motadata ServiceOps to streamline your business processes and start your digital transformation journey!