Motadata Docs

Request Details Page

On request details page, you can see the complete details of the request and do the desired activity. This page is accessible from request list page (by clicking on the request subject).

Options to open request details page
Options to open request details page

A request details page looks like this:

Request Details Page
Request Details Page

Subject and Description

You can see the complete subject and the description on the top of the details page. Also, the highlighted box shows the technician name who is also viewing the request simultaneously.

Classifiers of Request

These properties tell you the current statistics of the request and help you classify them under different labels. When someone works on a request, they update the labels accordingly. For e.g. if the ‘status’ is closed, it means you don’t need to do anything on the request.

Properties showing Request Classifiers
Properties showing Request Classifiers
Properties Description
Status This label classifies the request based on the status. The value in this label shows the current status of the request. The default options are: Open, In Progress, Pending, Resolved, and Closed.
Priority The label classifies the request based on the priority. The value in this label shows the current priority of the request. The default values are: Low, Medium, High and Urgent.
Urgency The label classifies the request based on the urgency. The value in this label shows the current urgency of the request. The default values are: Low, Medium, High and Urgent.
Impact The label classifies the request based on the impact factor. The value in this label shows the current impact of the request. The default values are: Low, On Users, On Department and On Business.
Technician Group The label helps you sorting the technician when there is a long list. Based on the value selected here, the values of ‘Assignee’ dropdown changes.
Assignee The label classifies the request based on the person to whom this request is assigned. When the value is ‘unassigned’, it means that request is not assigned to anyone. The values of assignee depends on the ‘Technician Group’ value.
Due by Status Shows the time frame by which you should do all the work related to the request.
OLA Due In Shows the time frame by which you should do all the operations related to the request.
Add Tags You can add the custom tags to quickly find the requests based on it. Also, system adds some default tags when based on certain labels and actions.

Associated Actions for Request

You can create or update different actions and activities as a part of communication, collaboration, and resolution in the request.

Additional actions for request
Additional actions for request

The available types of actions are:

Action Types Description
Work You can gather information through collaboration and communication and use it to resolve a Request.
Tasks You can add and manage different tasks related to the request.
Approvals You can see the approvals given for the request and remind the concerned technician about it.
Relations You can relate the request with other requests, problem, change, knowledge or see the merged requests.
Work Log You can add and manage the work log about the time and actions spent on the request.
Audit Trail You can see the activity in the journal of all the actions related to the request.
Notifications You can send notifications related to the request.

Other Information

The other information shows additional details about the request. You can also change them if required.

Other Information
Other Information
  • Category: Shows the category of the request. Default values are: Software, Hardware, Network, HR or Other. If any sub-category is added in the default values, all the values would appear on selection.
  • Department: Name of the department to which the request belongs.
  • Company: Shows the company to which the request belongs. This field is available only if the Managed Services Provider feature is enabled.
  • Source: Shows the information from where the request originated. Default values are: Email, support portal, technician portal, phone, chat, external and others.
  • Location: Shows the location from where the request is generated.
  • Support Level: Shows the level of support currently assigned to the request. Default values are: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4.
  • Current SLA: Shows the assigned SLA.
  • Escalation Level: Shows the escalation level of the request.
  • First Response Due By: Shows the date and time till which the first response is due.
  • First Response Date: Shows the date of the first response for the ticket.
  • Cc Emails: Shows the emails of all people who would get notifications about the request.
  • Template: Shows the name of the template used to create the request.
  • Request Type: Shows the type of the request.
  • Last Update Date: Shows the date and timestamp of the last activity on the request.

Request Actions

At the top right corner of the page, you will see a set of actions.

Action options on request details page
Action options on request details page
  • Previous: Click to go to the previous request.
  • Next: Click to go to the next request.
  • Close: Click on the ‘Close’ button to close the request. Click here to see what happens when you close a request.
  • More Actions: Click on the vertical 3 dots to see other actions available for the request.